Protect Conservation Values
Each Conservation Area has specific habitats and species identified as important to the site. The Program protects these critical habitats to ensure the Tribal membership will have access to sustainable, harvestable populations of fish, wildlife, and other culturally significant plants and forest products. This protection also serves the mitigation importance to these protected properties for Bonneville Power Administration.
resource management
Manage the Conservation Areas as protected habitats for fish and wildlife, while providing Tribal members and the public access to recreational activities that promote the importance of these habitats and that do not impact the properties’ fish and wildlife. Management includes protecting boundaries, controlling invasive plants, regulating access, maintaining facilities, and planning sustainability.
Restoring Degraded Habitats
Some habitats of these acquired Conservation Areas have degraded conditions from past use. The Conservation Lands Program develops or works with partners to develop restoration plans and projects to address degraded habitat to return the site to a more productive habitat for fish, wildlife, and vegetation.